Mar 13, 2008

Inside view at Omilumn's characters

And now… a whole entry dedicated for Omilumn, my soon-to-be-comic. First page is almost done. Sounds effect and background are required for not and I’m still not sure how to proceed. Names had been found also and that is a big step. Well there’s one that remains to be found and that is the puppeteer’s.

I’ve redesigned the puppeteer’s clothes because each time that I tried to draw his properly… he looked… weird… didn’t work out.

I need to find my script again… my poor script, because I don’t seem to know how to write in script at all.

So… I’m bored, and have free times so I shall write profiles as detailed as I can.
Name: Monchat
Sex: male
Role: protagonist/acrobatic performer
A/n: He’s the guy with the rings in the page. He’s cheerful and doesn’t like boundaries.
Name: -
Sex: male
Role: Monchat’s best friend, almost brothers/ puppeteer.
A/n: He the one with the puppet on the page… he’s actually very quiet and kept to himself, he sometimes express himself though his puppet.
Name: Klarissa
Sex: none but seen as female
Role: the puppeteer’s puppet.
A/n: She’s made of heavy wood and loved by kids. She’s the little one dancing in the page and in the top left corner
Name: Kerque
Sex: male
Role: Strong guy, protector of his friends/ fire adept.
A/n: He can manipulate fire, how cool his our big kitten? He’s taller then the other and is quiet. He’s the one crouched in the page with a fire dragon that he manipulate above his self.
Name: Ezze
Sex: female
Role: Spirited women whose’s funny and crude./ some sort of guide and leader for the character’s travel.
A/n: She isn’t in the page but so far I have her appearance sketched. She’s small, an elf with darker skin and pirate looking clothes. She also has dreads.
Name: Pryshe
Sex: undertermined and will probably remain as such in the manga as a mystery. Not because I don’t know… but because I would like the readers to ask themselves questions.
Role: Apprentice to Elsse, Pryshe has to follow Monchat for protection and to make sure to report what there is in the “outside”.
A/n: Pryshe can cast rare magic. Most for protection and is very knolegable about the Omilumn plants. Pryshe has long black hair and wear a big priest like robe that hides the body well.
Name: Elsse
Sex: female
Role: Wise old friend of Monchat/ gardener, an important role in the dome.
A/n: She’s very old, very wise and soft. She is strangely looking, close to an elf’s appearance but different. She’s very tall and lean with white skin.
Name: Mony
Sex: male
Role: none… he’s a child
A/n:… it’s a surprise


Well this is it for the characters… I might post a bit of the script whenever it’s rewritten.

Please don't look at the freebies!

This could be a miracle actually: no p-chat post this time… sort of. My tablet is currently having problem whenever I go into a paint-chat room. The pen-pressure is really bad and I’m someone who like to work pale lines… because I fail at full lines *cough*.

Well, in Gaia I had opened a freebies shop and made some works… I don’t know when those works had been done though… I can’t recall but it’s certainly after February 19.

First one done for supuu: Well.. It’s not so bad and very, very simple I guess… I only like the red panda to be honest =/.

The second one for QueenFetus: Funny, some said that they liked… but oh dear… this is bad actually… I don’t even want to show it.

Third is for Vetrox: There are some things I would’ve liked to redo on this one… she’s not quite right but the user was happy with the result and that made me smile actually. The person placed the drawing in her siggy and I felt very flattered.

Fourth is for MokushiSS: Now, the colors aren’t really good but hey! Look at the booty XD.

And the last for the moment is for Majyou: I hate her… hate, hate her but the concept was something different. It’s just too bad I didn’t pull it off this time.

Now, just few days ago I finished a random face… that I decided to transform into my avi later on. Then I decided to make a siggy out of him. I see that I still have some practice to do but the result was interesting.

And from here on we have a complete work that I haven’t posted anywhere! Why… I don’t know… I just… I’m afraid of disappointments for now.

For coloring the last picture, I used a program called Sai. So far I adore it… I wonder what people really think of those results. They may think it’s the same but I probably tool 4x less time to do it with Sai.
the link for Sai can be found here:

Disclaimers: the fonts used in the last two works and the Photoshop brushes used for my signature aren’t made by me; all credit goes to their original maker.