Sep 25, 2007

401 and some pose maniac

Finally finished the steaming fanart of Hiruma having fun with Shin and I posted it on Y! first. I should’ve posted it here as soon as done but after speaking with the amazing Cats through the gallery I wanted to finish and post quick. So far I have 11 favorites on it and it makes me terribly happy. I have some piece that has 15 favorites on it but those 11 favorites made me terribly happy.

I don’t feel like rewriting all the detail of the piece so if you want to know more you should go to my Y! gallery.

----401fanart ---

Browsing through Gaia I ended up with a link. A NICE link. Strange that I felt like the link didn’t belong in the topic but oh well, it’s a very helpful link. Poses maniac is sadly in Japanese or something like that but what you need to know is written in English.

What I find amazing about the site is the very large number of posses available at hand and first and foremost the 30 seconds drawing thing. You click on the link to make you go to the 30 sec drawing and you prepare a pad of paper in hand. Click on start, then random images of men and women in different poses and perspective appears, but never more then 30 seconds or depending on how long you’ve set it. I usually did 30 seconds but I’ll move to 90 seconds till I get more used to it. When the seconds are expired there’s another image popping up. TIMES of fun learning I tell you. I suggest ppl use that site more for anatomy practice then reference though.

I did many of my own little pose already and I can see already how it could help me drawing faster.

Sep 19, 2007

Watercolor fun time

I made this probably more for the heck of it. I was glade that it took me so little time to complete it and it didn’t end up as crappy as I feared. Sadly, I can’t scan it at all. The scanner is too small and won’t pick up the color. (That is what happened when you by something cheaper.)

I noted while drawing this piece that I was getting even more comfortable with inking even if it had been a long while since I used it. Traditional medial will always remain something I love to do. traditional art is something that feels more intimate then Cg; It’s like a lover’s touch. I don’t remember who said that. I read that over Gaia If I’m right and I think that the person couldn’t be more accurate about the situation.

I posted the pictures In my journal for Y!Gallery. Sadly, I didn’t get much reaction. Well I wasn’t surprised though.

Sep 14, 2007

My very first entry!

After fighting with LiveJournal’s layout for too long I decided to hunt for another site, similar to it. Browsing someone’s page on blogger, I suddenly decided that I should make myself a blog here also.

The reason I’m making one is that I want a place where I can put my art sketches my dump and some reviews. I might as well talk about some of my problem but mostly it’ll be about my projects. This way I might be able to keep up better with what I do and hopefully I will not forget that this place exists. ^_^.